Akiramenai yo~

March 10, 2010 at 10:16 am | Posted in Myself, school | 3 Comments
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Lately many bad things keep on happening to me. And when I say ‘keep’ they do keep happening everyday.

1. I’m getting some wounds and cuts through carelessness.

2. I keep on losing VERY IMPORTANT things. Doushiyo… 

3. Rushing projects, notebooks, and requirements here and there.

4. Leaving and forgetting important things.

5. Anger management struggle

By the way, Akiramenai yo means “I won’t give up.” Yeah. Even though I am constantly pulled down to the groun by these obstacles, I still continue on praying and working hard. I know that these have caused me to get depressed and emotional, but I know that I all my hard work will soon bear into good fruit. I just need to be patient.

That’s right! I just need to be patient and if I keep on moving forward with trust everything will be alright.

This week is exams week. Need to study hard! Ganbarimasu!


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  1. Good luck with your exams! 🙂

    Gosh, I hope you get to submit your requirements on time. It’s such a hassle and it would affect your grades. 😦

    • awww claudz! I hope you can do well with yours, too! Yes, it’s such a trouble for me and it keeps affecting my performance. Hopefully at the end of the day everything will be fine. ^_^

      • I’m already done. Yeah, I hope we both get good marks. 🙂

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